Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is the model which uses the enterprise hardware such as servers, storage systems, and Core networking components to allocate as a service. Business will provide the required services, and empower the client in the configuration of the operating system, software, and database.
Diagram of Iaas in the cloud computing
IAAS is one of the core value of cloud computing. If the business wants to integrate his work completely up to the system virtualization, the hardware in the system will become a core component of this system. The main attraction of the enable IaaS is the enterprises can increase/decrease the scale depending on their needs and their abilities. IAAS also helps businesses avoid the cost and complexity of buying and managing the physical server infrastructure and data center. Each resource is provided as a separate service components and the business just to hire when they need to. IaaS service provider, while the business of buying, installing, configuring and managing the software operating systems, middleware and applications of their own.
1. IaaS can help businesses perform activities:
-Test and Development: With IaaS, the business's IT team can quickly set up or cancel the test and development environments, bringing new applications to market faster. IAAS helps businesses save costs and speeding up the testing of the application.
-Web hosting-Web Hosting: Run the web page using IaaS helps businesses save more than the cost of web hosting with the traditional forms.
-Storage, backup, and recovery: The organization can reduce mailing costs for storage, the storage management personnel, even the investment a team of skilled personnel data management ... IAAS is suitable to solve storage needs and the needs arising in the process of development of the business. It can also help simplify the planning and management of backup and recovery system.
-Web application: IaaS provides all the basic infrastructure to support web applications, including server hosting, web server, application and network resources. Enterprises can quickly deploy web applications on the IaaS and easily scalable infrastructure as demand for the application cannot predict.
-High-performance computing HPC: high-performance computing on supercomputers, grid computing or computer clusters to help solve complex problems involving millions of variable or calculate. Examples include folding simulation engine and earthquakes, climate and weather forecasting, finance and model reviews product designs.
-Large data analysis: Big Data is the popular term for the huge data sets that contain the patterns, trends and potential value to the Organization, requiring large processors that IaaS can offer and help optimize costs.
2. The advantage of IaaS
-Eliminate capital expenditures and reduce the costs incurred: IaaS help save cost older before setting up and management of a data center. IAAS is an economic choice for newly established businesses or the need to test new applications.
-Improve business continuity and disaster recovery: To achieve high availability, business continuity and the ability to fix the data after the disaster, businesses need to have a team of experienced IT and a significant expenses for infrastructure and technology. But with Service Agreement SLA (Service level agreement) fit, IaaS can reduce costs and help the enterprises to access the application, the data as usual during the disaster occurred or simple power failure. Do this by, the data center was built as a backup to ensure 24/7 operation system, even when there are natural disasters, loss of electricity.
-Rapid innovation: as soon as you decide to launch a new initiative or product, the computer infrastructure needed can be ready in minutes or hours instead of days or weeks-and sometimes months-can set internally.
-Deploy, flexible upgrade: IaaS allows you to quickly extend the resources to meet the needs of your application – for example in the holiday-then drop down the resources when the reduced operations to save money.
-Focus on your core business: IaaS frees your team to focus on the core business of the organization rather than the IT infrastructure.
-Increase the stability, reliability and the ability to support: With IaaS need not maintain and upgrade software and hardware or troubleshoot equipment. With the appropriate agreement, service providers ensure that your infrastructure reliable and meet SLA commitments.
-Better security: with the SLA accordingly, cloud service providers can provide security for the application and your data might be better than what you can do when deploying the system.
-Updated applications more quickly: By you don't need to set up infrastructure before you can develop and deliver applications, so you can take them to the user faster with IaaS.
With the advantages above, IaaS model has become the dominant trend of the business. However, most businesses today in small and medium levels, often encounter language barriers when approaching and apply these new technologies to their business operations. Therefore, the cloud service provider in the country will become a bridge, bringing high-quality services to the business.
By Cloud Computing Blogspot
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