1. Access Cloud Computing – introduction
To access and interact with the Cloud, we need a lot of tools depending on the provider and access purposes.
The providers will support the access tools for you or support you to create your own tool
To be able to understand the depth of the tool to access the cloud, we need to understand the following issues:
-The platform
-Web applications
-Web API
2. Access Cloud Computing - Platform
A platform is a way in which cloud computing environment can send, receive data from you
To learn about the platform (platform) we will find out in the following components:
- Web Application Framework
- Web Hosting Service
Web Application Framework: a web application framework is used to support the programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications, web services.
- Framework support was born the HTML file to bring up the Web Server.
- Using the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) application to expand, develop an interface to communicate with the Web Server.
- Stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)
- Is a group of web development techniques used for creating interactive web applications.
- Using AJAX, web applications can retrieve data from the server asynchronously in a way. Because it is being done in the background, so it will not show on the screen
- AJAX is a term representing a wide range of web technology used to help web applications communicate with the server, but does not interfere with the current state of the page. The technology that is:
+ Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
+ The document object model to interact with the data
+ The XMLHttpRequest object for asynchronous communication support
+ Javascript Object Notation (JSON)
+ JavaScript to mount these technologies together
The advantage when using Ajax
AJAX allows a web application to retrieve new information and updated content at home to change the data without having to load the entire page. This brings high efficiency, reduce bandwidth consumption and reduce the loading time of the web.
Use the asynchronous request allows the client's web browser can interact more, faster.
The number of connections to the server is reduced because the script just downloads once.
Web Hosting Service: You will need a hosting service that allows you to store data and web applications. Some Cloud services are provided to web hosting are:
- Amazon Elastic Cloud An Acronym
- Mosso
Amazon Elastic Cloud An Acronym
Amazon Elastic Cloud an acronym (http://aws.amazon.com/ec2) is a web service that provides the ability to change the size of the computing in the cloud.
The web service interface of Amazon EC2 allows you configure with minimal capacity.
It provides the mechanism to control computer resources and lets you run on Amazon EC2
Amazon EC2 reduces the server startup time, meet your configuration changes quickly.
Amazon EC2 enables you to pay only for the part of hosting you use fact.
3. Access Cloud Computing - Web Applications
If you are using applications on the cloud, then now there are many applications to choose from.
For example, some Google services are as follows:
- The Gmail e-mail service
- Google Calendar and calendar sharing
- Google Hangout
- Google App support (construction site)
API stands for Application Programming Interface, is a set of instructions and criteria for access to a Publisher's API program based on the web environment. The API allows other developers to use to develop their own products. The API allows the use of the program can communicate with each other without the participation of the user
How is the working API
An interface will define how the communication between the two sides and is managed by the web service
Web services is a set of standards including XML, a programming language ... allows applications can communicate over the Internet.
Programmers can use the API by creating new applications or use the applications available to the XML file generated for the purpose of remote application access
In addition, we need to use other criteria such as:
- SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): SOAP encoded XML messages to be received and understood by any operating system.
- UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration): enabling business information and details using the web service.
- WSDL (Web Services Description Language): allows developers to write web services.
There are many API allows your company to connect with Cloud and use applications on the Cloud, for example:
- Google Gadgets
- Google Data API
Google Gadgets
- Google Gadgets is a Google gadget that allows client devices can use email, browsing history, files, chats.
- Google Desktop Search: allow users to search for information on your computer in an easy, quick
- Google Gadgets API using the 3 following languages:
HTML: use to format the web page
JavaScript: used for the Act of Gadgets
Google Data API
Provides a standard protocol for reading and writing data on the web
Including many functions associated applications inside and outside the Cloud.
Some Google API:
Google Apps APIS
The Google Base Data API
The Blogger Data API
Google Book Search Data API
Google Calendar Data API
Google Code Search Data API
Google Contacts Data API
Google Documents List Data API
Google Finance Portfolio Data API
Google Health Data API
Google Notebook Data API
Picasa Web Albums Data API
Google Spreadsheets Data API
Webmaster Tools Data API
Youtube Data API